About Enda

Hi and thanks a million for checking out my site.
So who am I? I don't even really know! :)
Well I'm Christy and Mary Regan's son for a start off so this will give you an idea of how I got into Photography. Photography has always been a massive passion of mine and it will remain so.
I started taking photographs at the age of 15 and more or less straight away started covering jobs for the local press. From there my portfolio has grown to covering family occasions, weddings, communions, confirmations, christenings, birthday party's and anything else in between. Also with this, my degree is in marketing and have worked in marketing for many years, lately with the Canadian e-commerce giant Shopify. With this new knowledge of an ever growing industry I have also moved into product and corporate photography.
The Regan name has been the corner stone of photography in the North Roscommon area and it's my aim and goal to continue this.
I don't really know what else to say as writing about yourself is a little difficult. So why not just drop me a line and we can see if I can help you out with you what ever event you have coming up
That's me anyway so hope you hear from you!
All the best,